I'm here with still these never-finishing school projects, but due to the lessons I keep learning and I have also learnt that we're not in school to disregard the other or even much more important assingments of life...I've just learnt some more and I so know I won't stop learning until He says it's time to leave this "classroom" called Earth and go home...I've learnt that much as our Doctorate Degrees will help us be good good professors there are the same things which might distract us from being really good professors we ought to be the same applies to all the other professions we have...Much as our political ideologies and experience can help us to be good politicians we can actually block ourselves from being the good politicians we would have been by so limiting ourselves with the experience and ideologies we have so lived to support and live our political life for...
I've also learnt that much as our serving God from the past experience ...David used past experience as something to keep him going as in serving God 1 Sam. 17:37


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