I'm really failing to keep quiet and I just don't want to let things go..."Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For I cannot help speaking about what I have seen and heard".
It isn't about being politically correct,but being spiritually correct.It isn't about hating sinners,but loving them by telling them the sins they are committing.It isn't that I'm perfect,but I get to be perfect in my weakness when I share about His love...I'm failing to keep quiet and I won't...Unfortunately,not so many christians are up to this.I know it isn't their fault,but the evil one who's taken so much control in our system that he has managed to silence us in so many quarters...I'm not gonna keep quiet,devil I promise you and you know how much I love the people God created and how much I hate you for taking them to you.
I know it isn't my duty to save any of them,but it is my duty and the duty of my other fellows to take the message to them.
It isn't about being politically correct,but being spiritually correct.It isn't about hating sinners,but loving them by telling them the sins they are committing.It isn't that I'm perfect,but I get to be perfect in my weakness when I share about His love...I'm failing to keep quiet and I won't...Unfortunately,not so many christians are up to this.I know it isn't their fault,but the evil one who's taken so much control in our system that he has managed to silence us in so many quarters...I'm not gonna keep quiet,devil I promise you and you know how much I love the people God created and how much I hate you for taking them to you.
I know it isn't my duty to save any of them,but it is my duty and the duty of my other fellows to take the message to them.