I'm too busy to be on here, bt don't wanna stay silent whilst the excitement of this realisation is still hot.I'm not realising this today, I have always known this for quite a long time, but sometimes the evil serpent get me distracted & make me forget this beautiful fact, the fact that there's beauty in giving it all to Him. When I say giving it all, I really mean it ALL...Beauty is a beautiful word & worthy for beautiful people which 'm not one of. But 'm seeing my life getting more beautiful, not that 'm not facing trials which u do, but because 'm giving it All to Him & 'm here bouncing up & down like a beautiful happy baby in the caressing hands of his mom, not worried of anything...

Life is getting too sweet too sweet that I wanna get it(the sweet part of it) abit dissolved & share that sweetness to one's whose life is sour...Sometimes as christians especially youths as declared in Isaiah 40:41 we get tired & stumble which is kinda normal sometimes on condition we don't fall. Beauty comes when we wait upon the Lord & what does wait mean in the context of this note; GIVING IT ALL to Him & wait for Him to do it do it All for you.

Nothing is beautifull unless it has the real beauty, the beauty that comes from the real beautiful One. The Lord is so beautiful & has beautiful things for us. He gives us beautiful things & doesn't expect us to give anything back.The world will give you beautiful things & will in return want u to give back.Beauty is expensive & it's such an amazing thing to get it freely without paying back. "Beautiful"(as per the worldly definition) girls will always want a 'handsome( as per the worldly definition) guy, so will 'handsome' guys want 'beautiful' girls which simply fortifies the fact that beauty is expensive. Don't get me wrong here, 'm not talking about romance in this note, that's just an example which many of u will easily understand,lol , 'm talkng about life & its beauty...Life is beautiful when it has the real beauty, clay shouldn't never rebel against the pot, so should creation not rebel against its Creator, 'm finding beauty ! beauty! So much beauty in life when I give it ALL to the Owner. Oh BEAUTY! BEAUTY! So much BEAUTY indeedI'm too busy to give details, bt don't wanna stay silent whilst the excitement of this realisation is still hot.I'm not realising this today, I have always known this for quite a long time, but sometimes the evil serpent get me distracted & make me forget this beautiful fact, the fact that there's beauty in giving it all to Him. When I say giving it all, I really mean it ALL...Beauty is a beautiful word & worthy for beautiful people which 'm not one of. But 'm seeing my life getting more beautiful, not that 'm not facing trials which u do, but beacuse 'm giving it All to Him & 'm here bouncing up & down like a beautiful happy baby in the caressing hands of his mom, not worried of anything...

Life is getting too sweet too sweet that I wanna get it(the sweet part of it) abit dissolved & share that sweetness to someone out there whose life is sour...Sometimes as christians especially youths as declared in Isaiah 40:41 we get tired & stumble which is kinda normal on condition we don't fall. Beauty comes when we wait upon the Lord & what does wait mean in the context of this note; GIVING IT ALL to Him & wait for Him to do it All for you.

Nothing is beautifull unless it has the real beauty, the beauty that comes from the real beautiful One. The Lord is so beautiful & has beautiful things for us. He gives us beautiful things & doesn't expect us to give anything back.The world will give you beautiful things & will want u to give back in return .Beauty is expensive & it's such an amazing thing to get without paying back. "Beautiful"(as per the worldly definition) girls will always want a 'handsome( as per the worldly definition) guy, so will 'handsome' guys want 'beautiful' girls which simply fortifies the fact that beauty is expensive. Don't get me wrong here, 'm not talking about romance in this note, that's just an example which many of u will easily understand,lol , 'm talkng about life & its beauty...Life is beautiful when it has the real beauty, clay should never rebel against the potter, so should creation not rebel against its Creator.Pot will never be beautiful by ignoring the talent of its maker(the potter), 'm finding beauty ! beauty! So much beauty in life when I give it ALL to the Owner. Oh BEAUTY! BEAUTY! So much BEAUTY indeed


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