The Beauty That Comes with Shoveling...

It is that unpleasant time again

Yes time to shovel

Shoveling this thing called snow

On a night where my mind is locked into a hovel

A hovel filled with sorrow

My joy is kinda shut by the darkness of the night

The darkness that promises no hope for tomorrow

I begun to fear if ever my life will see the light

Since the darkness was very dominant

A darkness that leaves my faith somehow dormant

But this shouldn’t mean I’m giving up the fight

I do not have the courage to think anymore

But at least I have the energy to shovel the snow

As I shovel the snow this time of the day

I realize my sorrows are being shoveled away

The more I shovel the more I marvel

Marveling that my sorrows are gone

I was no longer afraid of tomorrow

I nearly called for more snow

Because I just wanted to shovel

Shoveling my sorrow even more

I am now left wondering

Does this mean I love the snow?

No it’s the shoveling

Not so the shoveling of the snow

But the shoveling of my sorrow

I’mma play this love of shoveling low

So it does not sound that I am in love with the snow

If ever I feel any more pain

I am gonna campaign

For snow to come again

Simply for my selfish gain

Of dealing with my pain

While shoveling the snow

It isn’t the snowing

It is the shoveling

That I am in love with


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