" I just want that guy BACK! Are you the ONE?"

look at those husbands back in the village who sadly are abusive to their
wives; I don’t think during the first days they were like “hi beautiful, I’m in
love with you. I’m going to love you the first days, but down the years I’ll be
beating you up. Do you wanna go out with me?”… That sounds ridiculous, doesn’t
it?... Some of these abusive spouses didn’t really know they’ll turn into what
they are today and sadly it must be very painful to the abused spouse not only
to go through the present pain of abuse, but also just remembering the good old
sweet first crazy days of love… One
Angelique (not real name) “ what pains me the most isn’t really what he did to
me the other day, but just remember how sweet of a guy he was when we had just
fallen in love with each. I just want that guy back!” There was so much pain in
that voice…
(the author of Revelations) had rebuked the seven churches for doing various
evil things
you read the first three verses of Revelations Chapter 2, you’ll see how much
John commends the Church in Ephesus. Of the seven churches he was to write to,
he had lots of great things to talk about this Church, however in verse 4
John’s voice comes to me like the voice of that of Angelique lady I just told
you about… “ I have this complaint against you. You don't love Me (Jesus) or
each other as you did at first! (Revelation 2: 4, New Life Translation) If you
are a new born again Christian, I don’t have to write you a book about how much
in love you were with Christ and the many crazy wonderful things you did then.
Remember how you almost wanted the whole world to be saved, to hear your
testimony and how you took everything in prayer…Nothing has really changed! the world still remains sinful, while you're on your way to heaven, many are heading that other route, they need the passionate you to share... Christ still wants your heart to break for the things that break His… Christ misses
those times with you…
tears and so much pain, yet still in love with the guy who abandoned the way he
used to love her, Angelique lamented
I just want that guy [who was so crazy about me] BACK!”
Do you think Christ is also in tears about you?