Mama Afrika You're Better than We/You Think

So much loved by God. Blessed with genuineness...When you smile you so smile, not plastic smiles. When you cry you're really crying, not crocodile tears...They say or you say you're underdeveloped or less developed, what's development ? Poor they say you are, but how are we defining these terms?
One thing I've come to realize is that you're so developed when it comes to your humanness and if we were to be valuing different kinds of development in this case technological development, infrastructure development, humanness development and so forth. I would unbiasedly put humanness at the so top of the list and so far away from the rest. Thus, since in my so strong opinion you're leading on humanness aspect of development and lacking behind technology, infrastructure and such I count you the most developed of all maybe to be more fair I'd not put Asia nor South America because I do not have contact with those places yet, but as for the rest Mama Afrika you are at the top! On humanness I mean.
I'm so sorry I was just as naive as the ones who call you names such as less developed, miserable, stupid, brutal to some level...I wish I knew better, I wish I so came closer to these terms and investigate them more, I'd have made this conclusion today so earlier ago that you are better than we /you think. And with that I salute you Mama...

Yours prodigally


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