There's always beauty...

As this day is going to its end I'm continueing to admire my theme of this year that there's beauty and so much beauty about this life and these people...Most of the profs I have called my favourite ones are the ones who have been called by a large number of students as "very boring teachers"

I so accept that these profs aren't wholly awesome in my view, they have their weaknesses which I find hard to cope up with.However, I get to overcome the weakening part of these folks and pay so much attention to the beautiful part. The power of the found beauty conquers that of the so called 'ugly' or 'boring' part of these people.This' the same secret that has made me friend to many.

I seem to be loving everyone and apparently loved by many. One of the most probable reasons that other few folks dislike about me is the fact that I don't know that they hate me. So I'll say that on third-person point view that they dislike Yves simply because Yves doesn't know that they dislike him.

Life is beautiful, humans are beautiful you just need to pay a little more attention...


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