Why Opening the Secret Pages

Secret pages I call them. Yes they are, they can be secrets about my life. Never did I ever sit down and call myself special, no and not at all, but there's one thing I call special about myself is my life. I even feel a little unworthy to call it 'my' life, but this Life I was so graciously to handle, it's kinda special...I've been climbing higher and lower trying to write a book about it, but it so seem never an easy task because every day I'm coming with a new chapter and I so thought it's a little dangerous because it may end up never to be published at all, better start throwing out few of its content here and there hence opening the secret pages...
If you pay a little more attention you'll realize that it isn't about just about my life, but the secret pages of our Life...

"Yves. my son, I love how you handle your life in so many things, but there's one thing which I always concerned about your life is how you like opening your private room to the world a lot...But much as I remain uncomfortable with that I've nothing I can do about it if this' where you were called to...I love you hun" Clementine Nseya Kafunda...


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