Remember to live everyday of your life ...

There comes a time in our lives where only one thing matters the most and that is life itself, it actually should always be the one thing that matters the most... Thank God for this priceless night I went to bed very thankful for being able to breathe after having faced few minutes where I felt like that was going to be the end of me...

Thank God for another chance to live again. I take this gift of life so much for granted until moments like these where I'm reminded about what counts the most... Sometimes I go cry for the little things in life and forgetting to be thankful about the big picture of all these. I was reminded about the verse that I first heard in this language and relate well to it when I say it in this language (Ephesians 5: 16);

I owe God so much praise... I owe her so much love...

Thank God for this priceless gift called life. As Jonathan Swift would said so I will conclude " May you live all the days of your life" Above all live it out loud for Him, live it out loud every day for last night could have been my last...

Night world!


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