Be CHRIST Today...

I prayed this for myself today, and I want to extend the prayer, it's a prayer mixed with exhortation;
May you (insert your name) be Christ today, to your buddies and strangers (at work/school/on the bus/on the that in itself, is a BIG ask, but unFORTUNATELY that's what the Bible asks us to be.(1 Cor. 11:1) If on that last day one of the non-believers would want to use the excuse front of Jesus and claim "but Lord had you come in physical self I wouldn't have struggled to believe in You." Let Christ be confident to say I was so present in my servant (insert your name)... It's a big ask, but also a blessing to be Christ's Ambassador. (2 Cor. 5:20) I don't know about you, but if the Canadian government was to ask me to be its Ambassador to Malawi, I'll lie to say I won't take that as one of the greatest honours. I took some pride going to universities across Ontario speaking on behalf of the World University Service of Canada (WUSC)... We all would/could be proud to be ambassadors of governments or organizations, why do we then neglect our highest position, being ambassadors of an eternal government?... Now take pride in that and be Christ today!

Be Christ to the 'good' and the 'bad' ones... Be Christ to that lady who's just about to be stoned by the judging crowd... Be Christ to the pharisees, the scribes...

How do you get to do that? Abide in Christ and Christ in you (John 15: 4, 7) that way when you live, it isn't you, but Christ living in you. (Galatians 2: 20)


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